On time again, Mr. Feedwater.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A month already, pt. 2

Well, as I was saying before being so rudely interrupted by being able to upload only 6 photos per post..... (and here are the remaining photos that I wanted to post with the original topic.....)

Working through the design and construction sequence with Rusty, we were able to catch some glitches that might have found their way into the final design and production run. It's a great little kit, HO scale, and was a lot of fun to build, even if I was working with pre-production stuff and had to do several things over as we made changes.

Anyway, that kept me occupied during much of this past month. And now I'm going to get back to work on an 1970's vintage Finescale Miniatures engine house that I started a kitbash on and then stopped to work on Rusty's boarding house kit. 

Changing subjects once again.... this week my wife and I are keeping our granddaughter while her parents are on a cruise in the Carribean. Allie is almost 3 now and is a truly amazing little kid. She's very bright and is always happy. She's got a great sense of humor already and loves to make her Papa laugh! As a result, she's very easy to take care of. As I said in an earlier entry, I pick her up at her daycare every Wednesday, so she's already used to being around Grandma and Papa and being at their house. Likewise, she's used to staying with us at our lake house for an occasional weekend, so she's never a problem child for us. 

A Curmudgeonly Thought for the Day....
Some minds are just like concrete - all mixed up and permanently set.


Mike Hamer said...

Hi Mike. You've got a great looking blog here! Your modelling skills, colour choices, weathering and photography are amazing. I look forward to following along!

MikeC said...

Thanks for the note, Mike. I'll try to keep things a bit more current. ;)


About Me

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I'm a 63-year-old fool who feels like he's still in his 40's. I retired 10 years ago, while I was still young enough to enjoy retirement - and still able to remember how to spell my name.