On time again, Mr. Feedwater.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Second Time

Well, after some trial and error and dealing with a faulty internet connection as well, I now have my custom designed blog template installed and the "old" Blogger template disposed of. It was simple to design in Freeway Express 5; it was less simple to get installed until I realized that the graphics would have to be uploaded to my iDisk (part of my .Mac account for you non-Mac users) so that they could be "remote linked" by the Blogger server and called to the page by the html in my template. But that's all behind me now.... No more head-banging failed FTP uploads to the Blogger server.

A Curmudgeonly Thought for the Day....

An 8-ounce glass contained 4 ounces of water. The optimist saw the glass as half full. The pessimist saw the glass as half empty. I saw it as just one more thing to load in the dishwasher before I could go to bed..... Mr. C.

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About Me

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I'm a 63-year-old fool who feels like he's still in his 40's. I retired 10 years ago, while I was still young enough to enjoy retirement - and still able to remember how to spell my name.